Being a parent has its joys and rewards, but it also requires work and patience and, at times, can be frustrating. When you separate from your spouse or partner or divorce you will face new challenges, both as an individual and as a parent. Your children will also be affected by your breakup and will need your understanding and help to adjust to the family changes. Even though your relationship with your spouse or partner is ending, you will still both be the parents of your children. For the sake of your children, you have to continue to be a responsible parent at what may be a difficult time in your own life.

This Parent Education and Awareness Program Handbook is offered to help you better understand the effects of your breakup on your children and to give you information and ideas about how you can make this new family situation easier and more livable for yourself and your children. Your children can come through the separation or divorce process and develop into healthy, well-adjusted individuals. There is a great deal over which you, as parents, have control.

As you read through the Handbook, keep in mind that you, your children, and your situation are unique. Not everything contained in this Parent’s Handbook will apply to you or your situation. You need to pick and choose the information that is useful and appropriate for you, your children, and your situation.

The Parent Education and Awareness Handbook is offered to help you become more aware of the aspects of the divorce or separation process that are most harmful to your children and to give you information and ideas on how to better handle this new family situation — both for your sake and that of your children. It is hoped that you will refer to this Parent’s Handbook often for support, guidance, and hope, especially when faced with challenges. Remember that while divorce or separation can be a painful experience, both for the adults and the children, there are things that you can do to improve your well being and that of your children.

Parent Education and Awareness Handbook (PDF)

The above information is an excerpt from an article entitled Parent Education & Awareness Program published by the New York State Unified Court System. The full article can be found here.